사이트 내 전체검색



  • [남해] 7/27~28일 거문도투어

        거문리 투어 공지 합니다!!일정확인하시고 투어신청은 아래 댓글이나 콜(062-375-1886) 주세욥 ^______^​​첫째날(7/2일) 토요일__________________오전 04:30 센터출발 - 차량06:00 녹동신항 도착 및 식사07:00 녹동신항 출발 - 평화훼리09:50 거문도 도착11:00 삼부도 출발11:30 다이브 #113:00 점심식사(도시락)14:00 다이브 #215:30 다이브 #317:00 리조트 도착18:00 저녁식사 및 바베큐파티22:00 취침모드 돌입​둘째날(7/15일) 일요일___________________오전 07:00 기상07:30 식사08:30 거문리 출발09:00 다이브 #110:30 다이브 #212:00 점심식사14:30 거문도 출발 - 평화훼리17:30 나로도항 도착 및 광주출발19:30 센터 도착        #씨씨다이버스 #스쿠버다이빙 #스쿠버교육 #광주스킨스쿠버 #광주스쿠버교육 #광주스쿠버 #광주스쿠버다이빙 #광주스쿠버다이빙교육 #광주패디 #광주padi  
  • [남해] 9월9일~10일 백도투어

        백도리 투어 공지 합니다!!일정확인하시고 투어신청은 아래 댓글이나 콜(062-375-1886) 주세욥 ^______^​​첫째날(9/9일) 토토요일__________________오전 04:30 센터출발 - 차량06:00 녹동신항 도착 및 식사07:00 녹동신항 출발 - 평화훼리09:50 거문도 도착11:00 백백도 출발11:30 다이브 #113:00 점심식사(도시락)14:00 다이브 #215:30 다이브 #317:00 리조트 도착18:00 저녁식사 및 바베큐파티22:00 취침모드 돌입​둘째날(9/10일) 일일요일___________________오전 07:00 기상07:30 식사08:30 거문리 출발09:00 다이브 #110:30 다이브 #212:00 점심식사14:30 거문도 출발 - 평화훼리17:30 나로도항 도착 및 광주출발19:30 센터 도착        #씨씨다이버스 #스쿠버다이빙 #스쿠버교육 #광주스킨스쿠버 #광주스쿠버교육 #광주스쿠버 #광주스쿠버다이빙 #광주스쿠버다이빙교육 #광주패디 #광주padi  


에머전시 퍼스트 리스폰스는 세계 어디에서나 최고로 인정받고 있습니다.


1. Canada Occupational Safety and Health
2. Alberta, Canada for Workplace Health and Safety
3. Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada for Workplace Health and Safety
4. Health and Safety Executive (Great Britain) and ( Northern Ireland) for the purposes of first aid in the workplace
5. British Canoe Union (BCU)
6. Espirito Santo Fire Department, Brazil
7. Italian Resuscitation Council
8. National Strength and Condition Association (NSCA), Japan
9. Royal Yachting Association – United Kingdom
10. Scouts Association U.K.
11. SkillsActive - United Kingdom
12. Transport Canada
13. Duke of Edinburgh's Award – United Kingdom
14. SEMICYUC Sociedad Española de Medicina Intensiva, Críticosy Unidades Coronarias
(Member of Spanish Resuscitation Council )
15. Department of Community Services (NSW) Australia
16. Department of Communities (QLD) Australia
17. Dept of Education and Training (WA) Australia
18. National Register of Coaches (NROC)– Singapore
19. Queensland Government, Marine Transport Authority, Australia
20. RCNA Endorsement Confirmation, Australia
21. Australia Council for Teaching Swimming and Water   Safety (AUTSWIM), Australia
22. NZ Maritime Approval Letter
23. Northwest ( UK) SureStart Care for Children
24. Schweizerischer Hängegleiter-Verband
25. Féderation Suisse de Vol Libre
26. Sport For All – Korea Handball Federation
27. Yacht N Company, Korea
28. Philippine Heart Association Council on CPR
29. Nationally Recognised Training in Australia: HLTCPR201A, HLTFA201A, HLTFA301B, SRXFAD001A
30. Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Australia
31. Korean Body Guard Martial Arts Association

United States

1. Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA)
2. American Council on Exercise (ACE)
3. Boise Idaho Child Care Training Network
4. Boy Scouts of America
5. Cal/OSHA
6. Girl Scouts USA
7. Illinois Department Of Public Health
8. California Board of Chiropractic Examiners
9. Board of Massage Therapy State of Hawaii
10. National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)
11. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA)
12. National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)
13. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), New Mexico
14. Ohio Job and Family Services
15. United States Association of Blind Athletes (USABA)
16. United States Coast Guard (USCG) for a merchant mariner license
17. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), Puerto Rico
18. State of Washington Dept of Labor & Industries Accreditation
19. United States OSHA Region 10 – includes federal jurisdiction for Alaska, Washington, Oregon and Idaho
20. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services